Socially enterprising since 1983

Wenta client gets NEN Conference contract


Wenta client gets selected to take photos of this year’s National Enterprise Network Conference

Wenta client, Peter Branch, has been selected to take photos of this year’s National Enterprise Network Conference taking place on Friday 15th November 2013 at the British Library, London. This annual conference is held by the NEN, the membership body for enterprise support organisations in England, to celebrate the on-going focus, dedication and success of their members.

Peter Branch came to Wenta in June 2013 for some support in becoming a self-employed photographer and worked with Wenta Business Advisor, Liza Armstrong, to develop a strong and sustainable business plan. Peter said, “Before coming to Wenta I was contemplating leaving my full time job as a Systems Engineer but, at the same time, I was afraid to step out into the unknown world of self-employment. Wenta were of excellent assistance and pointed me in the right direction, helping me to get my business off the ground. My Business Advisor made me aware of things that I had never before considered.

Wenta, a not-for-profit organisation offering start-up business advice and support across Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, are long-term members of the National Enterprise Network. Earlier this year, when the NEN asked their members for details of photographers that they had helped start up in business, Wenta recommended Peter.

Clients were put forward by five agencies across the country and through this competitive, tender process Peter Branch was head and shoulders the winner. Commenting on Peter’s selection, Donna Rickaby, the Membership Manager of the NEN said, “The brief we sent out was extremely specific and many responses were generic and untimely. Peter stood out with his slick, professional approach and I knew immediately that he matched our criteria perfectly.

This year, Wenta are celebrating 30 years of inspiring enterprise and take great pride in the success of their clients. The business advisors at Wenta take every opportunity to encourage their clients to move forward. Liza said, “It was clear to me at our first meeting, when Peter showed me his portfolio, that he was a very talented photographer but I was soon just as impressed by his attitude to business. Peter has the energy and determination to be successful and is a pleasure to work with, always open and responsive to my guidance. As an adviser it’s always rewarding to see clients progress. We’re delighted that Peter’s talents have been recognised by the NEN.

Peter said, “I am very proud & excited about being chosen as Photographer for the NEN Conference. Not only am I looking forward to it, but I am hoping it will lead to bigger and better things.

For further information on Peter Branch please visit his website.
