Wenta's Journey to Net Zero.
Michael's 'Expresso' Christmas 2023
Michael presents his sustainable pledge

A Sustainable 2023 Christmas with Wenta
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A Very Sustainable 2023 Christmas with Wenta
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What Wenta has done so far
• Wenta has taken the UK SME Climate Hub pledge and is committed to achieving Net Zero by 2050 or sooner
• We have committed to train every staff member to understand their own, and Wenta's impact upon the environment through our CPD Certified Action Zero Academy
• We've enabled all of the businesses across our five centres to start and achieve their own Net Zero journey
• We've committed to measuring and reducing our carbon footprint, and reporting on our progress
• We've created a Net Zero revolution for small businesses nationally, through carbon reduction support packages and the identification of new green growth opportunities
• We're working with stakeholders to deliver the widest possible Net Zero impact across the UK
Action Zero
The Summer of 2022 saw the launch of Action Zero – a revolutionary service for small businesses nationally, through carbon reduction support packages and the identification of new green growth opportunities.
What’s best about this service? It demystifies Net Zero, and identifies the possible risks and potential rewards available. Tailored support solutions have been specifically designed for the needs (and pockets) of small businesses.
Wenta is working with stakeholders to deliver the widest possible Net Zero impact across our local communities.

Click here to find out more,
and start your own Action Zero journey.
Action Zero Academy
Wenta adopted Carbon Literacy training (an awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis) as part of our preparation and capacity building for Net Zero.
As our development grew, we launched our own Action Zero Academy.
This means that:
- all staff have been enabled to achieve carbon reduction in the workplace and at home
- all existing and future tenant businesses have been enabled to start and achieve their own Net Zero journey through accessing an Action Zero package
- all client-facing staff are actively encouraged to use the knowledge gained from their training to talk to our internal and external clients and their communities about Net Zero, and the benefits of reducing emissions in the fight against Climate Change
- our Business Advisory staff have also been trained to deliver detailed free advice to small businesses on Net Zero actions and new green market opportunities

In 2021 Wenta signed up to the UK SME Climate Hub
"Wenta are proud to have joined the UK’s SME Climate Commitment and the United Nations “Race to Zero” campaign to become a Net Zero company by 2050 or sooner. In line with this Commitment, we are developing our Net Zero strategy and will start to report our annual progress against our carbon reduction targets in 2022. We are fully training all our workforce to become advocates for Net Zero across our business and local communities. We will seek best practice in our response to Net Zero and will actively share this with our tenants and client across all our services. We aspire to becoming part of the solution to Climate Change and want our current and future clients to be part of that solution too.”
In the first quarter of 2022 we completed our carbon footprint and started our plans to target and reduce carbon emissions by 15% in the first year. We've provided a round-up of our achievements so far in the short video below.

Wenta's Half-Year Review
Picture: Ed Jordan, CEO
Video: Michael Martin, Head of Net Zero and Business Advisors

Wenta's Carbon Footprint 2022

Our Tenant Business Journeys
We have approximately 300 tenant businesses across our five Centres, and we want them ALL to achieve their own rewarding and profitable Net Zero journey, and help us with our own. So, we made Action Zero freely available to all tenants to help them plan their own unique journey towards zero emissions. All tenant businesses are also eligible for our other small business Net Zero support services as they become available, including support with designing and delivering new green products and services.
Over time, we will invest in green business networks and business directories to encourage the exchange of knowledge and services, both locally and nationally.
Collectively, we hope to increase our contribution to positive Climate Change by combining emissions reductions with new climate, impacting green products and services.

Staff Stories
Staff Stories
Staff Stories

Client Business Journey
Client Business Journey
Wenta spoke with Andrew and Sacha Powell from Staying Alive. They train First Aid to a wide range of customers, Primary & Secondary Schools, Councils, Companies & Individuals, and offer a variety of courses from awareness training through to Pediatric & First Aid at Work courses.
Wenta asked Staying Alive how they were getting on with Action Zero:
"We have committed to Net Zero as a major priority; so being an Action Zero member has been invaluable in helping us chart a path through the start of our journey. Having access to one-to-one support, should we need it, is very helpful; and as we move forward with our journey, it is good to know that Wenta will be with us. Trying to get our heads around where to start felt very daunting to begin with, but Wenta helped us immensely. The structure has allowed us to take in all the information at a pace that suits us; all the course content is clear and easy to understand, and knowing the one-to-one support is always available if we need it, is reassuring."

Baroness Sharon Taylor talks about the importance of sustainability