Socially enterprising since 1983

FREE networking event & exhibition to celebrate local small businesses

5 min read

Earlier this year in March, Wenta and the btc held their first ever client Thank You Event, in collaboration with the Stevenage Borough Council. Due to the success of that event and in support of the national campaign,  Small Business Saturday (2nd December), we’re bringing the event back by popular demand! The Thank You Events have been designed to do exactly as it says on the tin, thank clients for working with Wenta to help them set-up and grow their small businesses, utilising the support services, talking to advisors, renting work spaces, attending training and events.

Cathy Gilbert, Centre Manager of The Wenta Business Centre in Enfield said:

“We are delighted to be able to thank clients by offering them this amazing opportunity to celebrate their small businesses. We have never held something like this in our Enfield centre before and I cannot wait to host such a special event. However our clients have interacted with us, we want them to know how valued they are, because without them here, there would be no Wenta.”

Set to take place on the evening of the 29th November from 5:30pm–8pm, at Wenta’s business centre in Enfield (Innova Park, Electric Avenue, EN3 7XU), the event will have a festive tone, showcasing a selection of local small businesses and Wenta client exhibitors. It’s completely free to attend and will be providing an exciting schedule including a PR masterclass run by Journolink, a ‘drop-in’ business advice clinic, networking with food and beverages, plus so much more!

For further details on the event and to register your attendance, visit:


5.30pm – 6.00pm

Exhibition of Wenta Enfield businesses and networking starts

(exhibition runs throughout evening until 8pm)

Main Foyer

6.00pm – 6.05pm


Introduction and overview | Cathy Gilbert (Enfield’s Centre Manager)

Business advice clinic running throughout evening.

Willow Room

6.05pm – 6.35pm

Networking – ‘In a nutshell’ business pitches

Complimentary food buffet and refreshments served in the Main Foyer.

Willow Room

6.35pm – 7.35pm

PR Masterclass with Journolink: How to Kick Start your PR

Willow Room

7.35pm – 7.45pm

Guest Speaker from Enfield Council (to be announced)

Willow Room

7.45pm – 8pm

Exhibition, networking with refreshments

Willow Room and Foyer
