Socially enterprising since 1983

Wenta Christmas card charity donations

Instead of sending Christmas cards this year, Wenta will be following their usual tradition of donating to local charities.  This year, we are making £150 donations to the following local charities: 

Stand by Me – offers information, advice and support to help children, young people and their families living in North Hertfordshire understand and manage their grief.

Dacorum Community Trust – assists local individuals and families in the Dacorum area who have been disadvantaged through illness, loss of employment or other circumstances. The trust are able to respond quickly and effectively and offer the vital short term support needed to keep local families and individuals going when there is no other help.

Keech Cottage – A hospice in Luton that provides care for terminally ill adults and children across Hertfordshire.

Stevenage Homes Christmas Fund - Through the grant scheme operated by Stevenage Homes, they are able to gift modest amounts of money (circa £60 to £80) to families in need, so they can enjoy Christmas. Testimonials from previous recipients clearly show how a small amount of money can make a huge impact to help families in difficulties.

Watford Workshop Ltd – help disabled and disadvantaged people gain workplace skills, develop social contacts, increase their self-confidence, learn how to work with other people; giving them a sense of purpose and dignity.

We’d like to thank everyone who has supported us over the last year and would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year for 2015!
