Socially enterprising since 1983

Get Enterprising Client Story:
Active in the Office

Get Enterprising client, Hannah was inspired to start her own business.

"When I was young, I was involved and impassioned by injustice in the world. I worked as a campaigner for about 20 years and then found myself overweight and in difficulty. I realised that by looking inwards, working on my own health and wellbeing, this was more powerful. And now, I help people to help themselves.

"Through Get Enterprising, I've received 121 business advice, which isn’t someone telling you what to do, it’s like mentoring. The advisors provide you with the support you need to make your own, informed decisions about your business. They give you the confidence to move forward.

"As a personal trainer already, thinking about a new brand, and how I market this has been really useful to discuss with an impartial business advisor how to grow and develop.

"I have plans to launch my new brand and reaching out to Hertfordshire businesses.

If Hannah's story has inspired you, ask about Get Enterprising support for your business here.
