Socially enterprising since 1983

Business survival rates soar with Wenta!

Business survival rates soar with Wenta!

The Independent recently reported that a quarter of all workers believe they have a good chance of setting up a new business where they live – but the fear of failure prevents them from doing so*.

Business support organisations such as Wenta, offer advice on a 1:1 basis to those seeking advice or help with self employment.

A recent study carried out by Wenta found that those who sought advice were more likely to start up in business. In 2010, 58% of clients that Wenta advised went on to start up their own businesses and of those that started 86% are still running successful businesses 1 year on from their start date.

Industry statistics from the National Enterprise Network (NEN) state that in 2010 members of the NEN have helped to start nearly 25,000 businesses with an 80% one year survival rate (Hayley Williams, NEN 2011).

Wenta client Mona Seul, started her business following business advisory sessions from Wenta in 2010. Mona saidWenta’s business advisor Mick Dobson was very much a foundation to my business success. Without the support and feedback from Mick I wouldn't have had the confidence to set up my business and keep pushing through the setbacks that all start-up businesses face. From discussing company names back in 2010 my company now operates 11 non gambling poker events a week and is growing rapidly.Mona Seul, Discover Poker League.

Wenta aims to support businesses at any stage through a range of services including 1:1 business advice from experienced advisors, a range of training courses, 1:1 specialist advice surgeries, business incubation and affordable workspace.

To find out more about Wenta’s services please visit:

