Socially enterprising since 1983

If you are under the age of 30 and starting or running a business you may like to make contact with the organisations below. They work specifically with the under 30’s to provide advice, training, and access to finance.  

Princes Trust 

The Princes Trust works with 18 to 30 year-olds to provide support to assist them in turning their ideas into a business reality through their Enterprise programme which offers training, mentoring support and funding.   

Shell Live Wire 

Shell LiveWIRE is one of Shell’s Social Investment Programmes. They support innovative young entrepreneurs (aged 16-30) in the UK with ideas that meet the energy and resource needs of a fast-growing population.  The programme offers a number of awards which offer grants and support.   

Young Enterprise  

Founded back in 1962, Young Enterprise is an Enterprise Education Charity. Young Enterprise work with young people, their teachers and parents and businesses to build a successful and sustainable future for all young people and society at large. Their work is carried out through employability and financial education programmes.  

Universities and Colleges  

Most Universities and Colleges run enterprise programmes or provide start-up support for their students. The National Association of College & University Entrepreneurs (NACUE) is a leading charity for engaging students in Enterprise.   

In addition to these organisations there are many more that operate on a local level who aren’t named above.

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